== Love Photography == Delight in Light ==

Tuesday 17 November 2009


Joyful Celebration
Fountain of Fire Fire Ribbons Blast Off

Here's a selection of fireworks photos - nothing particularly spectacular, just some cheap ones that we got mainly for the kids to see (they love them!).

Friday 13 November 2009

The Tired Old Tree

The Old Tree - B&W

The Old Tree - Final

These are (obviously) two versions of the same photo - I first created the black and white one and then worked on that a bit more to get to the coloured one. I'm still not really sure which I prefer, so I thought I'd post them both for you to see.

The rest of this post shows the original photo and gives a brief description of the post-processing work involved.

Sunday 8 November 2009

The Garden Beyond the Trees

The Garden Beyond the Trees - Final

You've got to love autumn - it's such a beautiful time for photography! This is yet another(!) photo from the trip to be park with my sister - a slightly more direct view of the autumn colours this time.

The version you see above is the final image after post-processing - the remainder of this post shows the original photo out of the camera and brief details of the post-processing that I used to get to the final version.

Golden Morning

Golden Morning - Final

This is another of the photos from my dawn excursion to the local park with my sister.

The version you see above is the final image after post-processing - the remainder of this post shows the original photo out of the camera and brief details of the post-processing that I used to get to the final version.